Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back to Business

-pops out of hidey hole-
-looks around-
-spots Uglacy on the ground-
Look what I found! Huh!

Ok, I know I've been gone for forever. (a year and a half)
I got really busy near the end of that school year, started playing other games for a bit, and more or less forgot about these sims. I stumbled on the blog a little while ago after I took back The Sims 2 and was super sad that I had lost these Sims (I did a complete reinstall. No Custom Content either!)
Thankfully, a few weeks ago I found a complete backup of my game! Hurrah!
It took some file manipulation but I finally regained my old Pleasantview, Bruty Family intact!
It was like running into old friends to be honest; I realized I missed them.
So I'm trying to take the challenge back up again.

The hardest part is going to remember all the names. If, in the blog, I forget the names of some of my Sims, please forgive me. They may just become “That Guy” or “Girl with the Face”
Stuff like that.
Also, at the moment I have no internet access so expect updates very sporadically when I get to the library or something.
Before I pick this back up, I think I'm going to do a Daisy Chain Challenge to get myself back into the blogging groove. You can find it HERE:
Finally, I would recommend reading the blog up to this point, just to get re-familiarized with all the wonderful characters.