Saturday, March 8, 2008

College/Spare Info

Hey everyone! I just wanted to update everyone on my plans for college!
First off, I wanted to say that this generation, I'm actually going to be playing the spares this generation; I think the 5th generation kids deserve cousins!

Anyways, on to college.
The other generations I didn't bother blogging college, since there were only one or two Sims in it, but now I think I will! The only thing is that I'm not going to play it all in one shot, since it ends up being that the teens come back home as adults with no time passed.

So, I'll play the main household for one day for each year the kids are in college.
Doesn't seem like much, but if you think about it, that's the lifespan of a toddler!

I'm not quite sure how I'll format it in the blog yet, but any suggestions are welcome!


PS. I also decided that I'm going to start giving titles to each chapter.
I think it adds more character!


HeavensKyss said...

You could use the college clock to speed the ancestor Sims thru. Then take this gen heirs thru at the normal pace. Just an idea if you're not looking forward to playing them thru but still want them to finish college.

ASimWen said...

Souns like a plan!